Sunday, March 14, 2010

Metropolitan (1990)

Sometimes the pat line is the only one.  About 30 minutes into Metropolitan, the line entered my mind, and simply would not leave. 

"This movie won me over."

Rating: 7 out of 10
Recommended instead of: Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility


  1. I saw this movie years ago, and remember it to be well written and acted, quite a wit on it to as I remember. It is actually on my netflix Q right now. I agree bill a solid 7

  2. the comment was from me

  3. Yeah Bill...I like Whit Stillman and yet I struggle with him too. Still, most directors who try to move me with the old ennui of the upper classes (see Eric Rohmer) leave me cold and saying, "why do I care about these people"? Stillman, however, does not. In fact, he often makes me feel for these people, as well as feeling I'd like to hang around with them. Maybe it's the actors, but I think it's acombination of the script, actors, and a subtle director's touch.
