Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Across the Universe

Since I will never run out of new films to see, I am resistant to seeing any for a second time, so it follows that I rarely buy a DVD.  Across the Universe will be an exception.  The script beautifully links together the British and American experiences of the 60s.  Taymor also manages to take two of my nominations for the most overrated Beatles songs ever (Come Together and [numberless] Revolution) and make them high points of the movie.  Revolution in particular is so perfectly constructed that I wonder if the whole screenplay was built around it.

Rating: 9 out of 10.  Now my #39 of the 00s, making an even 100 for the evolving list.
Recommended instead of:  Alice's Restaurant

1 comment:

  1. I'm resistant to approach Taymor, as everything I know of her makes me think of Broadway aesthetics brought to film (ie an overemphasis on art direction at the expensive of story/emotion) but you hold her in high regard so maybe I'll give her a chance at some point. I thought the previews of this looked horrible, but then:

    1) I'm not a huge Beatles fan.
    2) Previews lie.
